
Whether you’re an importer or exporter or a multinational corporation conducting business across borders, exchange rate fluctuations can significantly impact your finances. That’s why effective foreign exchange risk management is crucial.

The South African Rand is one of the most volatile currencies in the world due to our ….In my career experience, I have witnessed firsthand the volatility of currency markets. The ZAR experienced drastic swings against the USD, highlighting the importance of understanding and managing foreign exchange risk.

Types of Foreign Exchange Exposure

  1. Transaction Exposure: This arises from actual business transactions conducted in foreign currency. For instance, fluctuations in exchange rates can lead to unexpected costs or savings when settling invoices or payments.
  2. Translation Exposure: Companies with foreign subsidiaries face translation exposure when converting financial statements from local currencies to the reporting currency. Exchange rate movements can significantly impact reported financial performance.
  3. Economic (or Operating) Exposure: Long-term currency fluctuations can affect a company’s future cash flows and market value, influencing strategic decisions such as investment in manufacturing capacity.

Managing Foreign Exchange Risk

  • Transact in Your Own Currency: Some companies with strong market positions may opt to conduct transactions exclusively in their domestic currency, shifting exchange rate risk to customers or suppliers.
  • Build Protection into Contracts: Long-term contracts can include clauses to mitigate the impact of exchange rate fluctuations, ensuring revenue stability over time.
  • Natural Currency Hedging: Aligning revenue and costs in the same currency can naturally offset exchange rate risk, though it requires meticulous financial management.
  • UtiliSe Hedging Instruments: Forward contracts and currency options provide mechanisms to lock in exchange rates, offering protection against adverse movements.

Whether a company chooses to manage foreign exchange risk actively or not, understanding the implications of currency fluctuations is essential for informed decision-making. Effective risk management strategies can safeguard profitability and financial stability in an ever-changing global marketplace.

Why choose TreasuryONE as your FX risk manager

24 years of experience, R300bn traded in 2023 on behalf of clients, direct access to bank dealers to negotiate best deals.

Expertise: With over 150+ years of combined experience in the financial industry, our team brings unparalleled expertise to the table.

Market Analysis:  We continuously analyse the economic landscape, staying informed about market trends, geopolitical developments, and regulatory changes that may impact your risk exposures. This ongoing analysis ensures that our hedging strategies remain  relevant and adaptive to changing market conditions, maximising their effectiveness

Reduced cost: Outsourcing your risk management generates significant cost savings through the shared use of our expertise, technical resources and economies of scale.

Technology-driven approach: We leverage cutting-edge treasury management systems and data analytics tools to provide real-time insights, robust reporting, and streamlined processes. This empowers our clients to make informed decisions and manage risks more effectively.

Proactive client support: We take a proactive approach to client relationships, offering ongoing support, market updates, and expert advice. Our dedicated team is always available to address concerns, provide timely hedging recommendations, and adapt strategies to changing market conditions.

Customised Solutions: We understand that one size does not fit all when it comes to currency risk management. That’s why we take the time to understand your unique challenges and develop customised solutions that meet your specific needs.

Don’t let exchange rate volatility catch you off guard. Take proactive steps to manage foreign exchange risk and protect your company’s bottom line.